The NUS Module Planner (NUSModPlnr) is for Computer Science (CS) students at the National University of Singapore (NUS) to manage their enrollments in NUS modules over their school life. With NUSModPlnr, module planning has never been easier!
The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 250+ kLoC.
My main contributions are the implementation of the Graduation Requirements interpretation and checking, as well as, managing the Issue Tracker and Releases.
Summary of Contributions
Major Feature: Co-Developed
Graduation Requirements
implementations with associated commands.-
What it does: This feature allows students to ensure their
Graduation Requirements
are correct as of the NUS Website, or in this case, for the requirements of NUS Computing’s Computer Science and Information SystemsMajors
for Undergraduate Students. -
Justification: This is a core feature, as the ability to ensure that modules are added and fulfil the criteria of a student’s graduation requirements is monumental to their module planning.
Highlights: This feature is the core feature of the entire application, which is to allow students to better plan their modules better across semesters. This feature will also greatly affect existing commands and commands to be added in future.
Credits: This feature was co-developed with @Capeguy.
Major Feature: Implemented
andMajor Set
Command, for Users who wish to change their Student’s Major retroactively.-
What it does: This feature allows students to change their
, with Computer Science (CS) and Information Systems (IS) Majors currently supported. -
Justification: This feature allows students to ensure that their
Graduation Requirements
match theMajor
that they are taking for their course. -
Highlights: This feature was interesting to implement because of how the different majors were listed on the NUS Website (particularly for NUS Computing).
Major Feature: Co-Developed the foundational code for
and associated classes for all other advanced features to be built upon.-
What it does: allows the other developers to work around a baseline formed around the framework provided by AddressBook-Level3.
Justification: This initial refactoring of AddressBook to Planner is important and needs to be done synchronously and before other portions of code can be developed as this forms the basis of which other features rely on.
Highlights: This feature blocks the entire application development and needed to be completed fast so as not to impede progress of other team members. As this was a lot to do at once, I have had the help of @Capeguy and @gruntultra in order to push this foundational code out.
Credits: The original code from AddressBook-Level3, @Capeguy and @gruntultra.
Major Enhancement: Worked with @Capeguy to ensure all
entities loaded from all JSON files contained the right information to be used in the application.-
What it does: Ensures that the
entities are properly populated with the right data from the JSON files created and retrieved from NUSMods. -
Justification: This aspect was important as aside from allowing the application to work offline, the data needed to be properly parsed in order to be able to populate the
entities in the application. -
Highlights: This was an interesting enhancement to complete because of the complexity in the amount of data that can be retrieved from the NUSMods API via JSON.
Credits: This feature was co-developed with @Capeguy.
Minor Enhancement: Added and modified a significant amount of the Test Cases and Unit Tests for the NUS Module Planner.
Minor Enhancement: Created helper classes to facilitate easier testing of models such as TypicalModule and ModuleBuilder
Code Contributed: Please see the RepoSense Report here!
Other Contributions
Project Management
Managed Milestones, Project Boards and Issue Tracker for all
(5 Versions) on GitHub. -
Managed releases for
(2 Releases) on GitHub.
Enhancements to Existing Features:
Generated diagrams to enhance readability of Developer Guide
Contributed to Features and Module Management sections of User Guide
PRs reviewed: Approved & Reviewed PRs.
Reported bugs and suggestions for other teams in the class: CS2103T Forum and CS2103T PED.
Worked with @Capeguy and @gruntultra to perform initial codebase refactoring to allow for the easier building of features into the application (#1, #2, #3, #4).
Worked with @Capeguy on
which the core functionality of the application, modelling complex real life graduation requirements and implemented different types ofGraduationRequirements
, each with their own fulfilment logic (#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6). -
to allow aStudent
to have his/herMajor
set, followed by a listing of graduation requirements and their fulfilments (#1, #2). -
Implemented both
which contains 13 specialisations, each with a different list of primary and elective modules (#1, #2). -
Written JavaDocs and Test Cases for relevant classes (#1, #2).
Fixed CheckStyle issues caused by refactoring (#1, #2, #3, #4).
Fixed bugs discovered by PE Dry Run (#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9).
Integrated continuous integration to the project (#1).
Contributions to the User Guide
Given below are sections I contributed to the User Guide. They showcase my ability to write documentation targeting end-users. |
How To Use This User Guide
(Danish wrote this section on "How To Use This User Guide" below.)
NUSModPlnr is a timetable and enrollment management application, which help you add plans which consist of your degree programme and timetables for different semesters.
This User Guide is designed to bring you through the following features:
Viewing Help
Creating a New Student
Declaring a Specialisations and Focus Areas
Viewing and Adding Modules
Viewing, Adding and Selecting Timetables
Managing and Viewing Grades
Viewing your Graduation Requirements
Exiting the Application
Please note the following which may serve as points of interests throughout this User Guide:
: This grey highlight indicates commands that you can type with more info in Features. -
Enter : This grey highlight with white outline indicates a keyboard’s key to use.
underlined : This underline indicates clickable links referring to other sections of this User Guide. When used in conjunction with a grey highlight (e.g.
student active
), this indicates a clickable reference to another command. -
bold : This bold font indicates sections of this User Guide.
This symbol and corresponding box has information that you may wish to take note of. |
This symbol and corresponding box has tips from the team, which we think might be useful for you. |
This symbol and corresponding box has warnings on possibly destructive commands or actions that cannot be undone. |
Quick Start
(Danish adapted this section on "Quick Start" below.)
If you are looking to jump right into the application, you can follow the below quick steps to get the application up and running:
Ensure you have Java
or above installed in your Computer. -
Download the latest
here. -
Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your NUS Module Planner.
Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI should appear in a few seconds.
Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it.
e.g. typinghelp
and pressing Enter will open the help window. -
Refer to Section 3, “Features” for details of each command.
These steps are recommended only if you have experience in setting up the application for first time use, or already have a saved file you would like to continue working with. |
Degree Management
(Danish wrote this section on "Degree Management" below.)
The following commands below are part of the application’s Degree Management, which allow you to declare important details of your academic plan, such as your majors and specialisations.
All the following commands require a student to be selected (using the student active command).
Declaring your major: major set
You can use this command to declare the major of your studies, which is also required for the module planning.
Format: major set MAJOR
major set CS
Declaring your specialisation: specialisation set
You can use this command to declare any specialisations in your studies, should you require them in module planning.
Format: specalisation set [SPEC]
specialisation set algo
Viewing your degree progression: major status
You can use this command view your degree progression.
Format: major status
major status
Contributions to the Developer Guide
Given below are sections I contributed to the Developer Guide. They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project. |

The Architecture Diagram given above explains the high-level design of the App. Given below is a quick overview of each component.
The .puml files used to create diagrams in this document can be found in the diagrams folder.
Refer to the Using PlantUML guide to learn how to create and edit diagrams.
At app launch: Initializes the components in the correct sequence, and connects them up with each other.
At shut down: Shuts down the components and invokes cleanup method where necessary.
represents a collection of classes used by multiple other components.
The following class plays an important role at the architecture level:
: Used by many classes to write log messages to the App’s log file.
The rest of the App consists of four components.
Each of the four components
Defines its API in an
with the same name as the Component. -
Exposes its functionality using a
{Component Name}Manager
For example, the Logic
component (see the class diagram given below) defines it’s API in the Logic.java
interface and exposes its functionality using the LogicManager.java

How the architecture components interact with each other
The Sequence Diagram below shows how the components interact with each other for the scenario where the user issues the command student remove 1

student remove 1
commandThe sections below give more details of each component.
Logic Component

uses thePlannerParser
class to parse the user command. -
This results in a
object which is executed by theLogicManager
. -
The command execution can affect the
(e.g. adding a Student). -
The result of the command execution is encapsulated as a
object which is passed back to theUi
. -
In addition, the
object can also instruct theUi
to perform certain actions, such as displaying help to the user.
Given below is the Sequence Diagram for interactions within the Logic
component for the execute("student remove 1")
API call.

student remove 1
The lifeline for StudentRemoveCommandParser should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.
Graduation Requirements Features
The Graduation Requirements feature is what allows students to ensure that their academic plan and corresponding modules are assisting them towards fulfilling their own criteria to graduate.
Degree Management
The Graduation Requirements are made up of 2 implemented components:
Declaration of Major:
major set
Declaration of Specialisation:
specialisation set
The Major
and Specialisation
entities are automatically created and populated through the JSON data received from NUSMods. Furthermore, Student
entities can only be associated in a 1-0..1 relationship with a Specialisation
The following high-level sequence diagrams illustrates the interactions between the Ui
, Logic
& Model
components when either a Major or Specialisation is being set:

being set, with respect to MainWindow
from Ui
, Logic
& Model

being set with respect to the MajorSetCommand

being set (e.g. AlgorithmsAndTheorySpecialisation
) with regards to SpecialisationSetCommand
Verification of Graduation Requirement Fulfilment
Once the Major and Specialisation (if any), or a Student is set, the following logic is used to verify if the Student
's GraduationRequirements
are being met, based on the list of Module
which which the Student
has enrolled in:
Retrieval of the main base of the
based on theMajor
and ultimatelyDegreeProgram
of theStudent
. -
Retrieval of the list of
which theStudent
has enrolled in. -
Passing in of the list of enrolled
into eachGraduationRequirement
and determining if theGraduationRequirement
has been met.-
The modelling of the actual Graduation Requirements of NUS CS and IS undergraduate students are accomplished by making use of the various implementations of
such as-
for groups ofModule
s which aStudent
is allowed to choose from, with certain conditions for fulfilment such as:-
Minimum number of Modules
Minimum number of Module Credits
Minimum number of Modules that must be 4000-level or above
for "Specialisations" or "Tracks" depending on the terminology of the respective faculty that theMajor
belongs to). -
for Requirements that need to be fulfilled from a fixed pool ofModule
s which haveModuleCode
s starting with certain characters (e.g. GEH, GES, GET)
Thereafter, the corresponding
entities that have been added will be verified against the compiledGraduation Requirements
. -
Finally, requirements that are met, are checked or crossed accordingly - which is displayed in the left-panel of the GUI.
The flow of how the Graduation Requirements
is put together with information from Major
and Specialisation
can be found in the below class diagram:

Design Considerations
Alternative 1 (Current Implementation): Model real life graduation requirements in an OOP-manner with a different class for different types of requirements containing different logic determining the fulfilment of the graduation requirement, each inheriting from a base class to allow for polymorphism.
Pros: Well Structured and separates actual requirements from the model by creating classes that provide the logic needed for fulfilment calculation.
Cons: Each Programme will have to construct it’s own combination of the various implementations
to model actual graduation requirements.
Alternative 2: Implement each
's graduation requirement as a class on it’s own.-
Pros: Each
can have the flexibility of customising fulfilment logic. -
Cons: Duplicate codes due to many classes may have the same fulfilment logic, but different data.
We are using java.util.logging
package for logging. The LogsCenter
class is used to manage the logging levels and logging destinations.
The logging level can be controlled using the
setting in the configuration file (See [Backend-Configuration]) -
for a class can be obtained usingLogsCenter.getLogger(Class)
which will log messages according to the specified logging level -
Currently log messages are output through:
and to a.log
Logging Levels
: Critical problem detected which may possibly cause the termination of the application -
: Can continue, but with caution -
: Information showing the noteworthy actions by the App -
: Details that is not usually noteworthy but may be useful in debugging e.g. print the actual list instead of just its size
User Stories
Priorities: High (must have) - * * *
, Medium (nice to have) - * *
, Low (unlikely to have) - *
Priority | As a … | I want to … | So that I … |
freshman |
declare what my major is |
get the right graduation requirements to follow |
freshman |
declare what I am exempted from (e.g. Polytechnic Exemptions) |
am not recommended modules that I am exempted from |
freshman |
declare what tracks/specializations (Focus Areas) I am interested/am taking |
am given recommendations that will fulfill the requirements of that track/specialization |
current undergraduate student |
view the list of modules which I have taken |
can remember what modules I have taken |
current undergraduate student |
view the list of modules which I have declared exempted from |
can remember what modules I am exempted from |
freshman |
see a list of all available modules in NUS |
can see what modules is available for me to take |
current undergraduate student |
enter the grades I got for each module |
can view my Cumulative Average Point (CAP) for each and all semesters |
current undergraduate student |
can see if a module is being offered in a semester that I want |
can plan my academic plan correctly |
current undergraduate student |
see the list of grades I obtained for each module |
can have a better understanding of my academic performance |
current undergraduate student in-residence |
declare that I am part of a Residential College program |
am given recommendations that take into account UTCP modules |
current undergraduate student |
declare my intention of overloading modules |
am given recommendations to graduate faster |
current undergraduate student |
declare my intention of underloading modules |
am given recommendations to graduate faster |
freshman |
verify if I can graduate on time given currently selected modules |
am given recommendations of feasible modules to take |
current undergraduate student |
check which lecturer is teaching the module |
can decide if I should take that module in that semester |
current undergraduate student with NOC acceptance |
declare that I am part of NOC programme |
can count NOC modules towards my graduation requirements |
current undergraduate student with USP acceptance |
declare that I am part of the university scholar programme |
can replace my requirements for graduation with USP modules |
current undergraduate student |
can check the venue of the class |
can plan my traveling route during module planning |
current undergraduate student |
change the colours of the module planner for customizable |
can enjoy dark theme |
current undergraduate student on internship |
declare when I would like to undergo an internship |
can plan the timing of my modules |
current undergraduate student |
view changes in Grade Point Average (GPA) according to projected grades |
can have a better understanding of my academic performance |
freshman |
automatically select non-conflicting lecture and tutorial slots based on preferences |
can create usable timetables based on my preferences |
current undergraduate student on exchange |
set the module to be non graded to pass or fail |
can set the overseas module to be pass or fail without affecting my CAP |
freshman |
declare what my minor(s) is/are |
get the right graduation requirements to follow |
current undergraduate student |
see which pathways would be more challenging (i.e. Level 3K, 4K, 5K modules) |
can choose a better course pathway in terms of maximising GPA/fulfilling course requirements |
freshman |
set preferences (e.g. ‘free’ days/only after 12 PM) in order to automatically organise the timetable |
have an efficient and personalised timetable == PROJECT: Granado-Espada-For-SEA --- Worked on the Korean to English (SEA) locationisation of the MMORPG, Granado Espada. A link to the repo can be found here! |