NUS Module Planner (NUSModPlnr) is for Computer Science (CS) students at the National University of Singapore (NUS) to manage their enrollments in NUS modules over their school life. With NUSModPlnr, module planning has never been easier!
Users can interact with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. NUSModPlnr is based on the AddressBook-Level3 application by SE-EDU, and currently has about 15+ KLoC.
Summary of contributions
Major enhancement: Added commands to manage students, timetables and modules and grades
What it does: Allow the user to create, remove, select and list students, and timetables and modules taken by each student.
Justification: This feature is critical for the product since the user cannot plan their academic study without having the ability to add timetables, modules and grades. Having student profiles also allows users to explore different academic plans.
Highlights: This enhancement affects all other features and commands. It required an in-depth analysis of design alternatives. The implementation was challenging as it required an extension of commands into sub-commands, and manipulation of deeply nested structures. Significant effort has been used to test the correctness of the main commands.
Credits: Logic and Command code used in AddressBook Level 3
Major enhancement: Designed and created Model and JSON serialisation of many classes involved in the product
What it does: Stores, loads and saves the Module Planner’s state in memory and to file.
Justification: This feature is needed to enable commands and other features to modify data and work correctly.
Highlights: This enhancement supported development of other features of the product. Other developers have used the Model API to implement other functionality. Great care had to be taken to ensure storage and serialisation worked consistently for all conditions.
Credits: Storage code used in AddressBook Level 3
Minor enhancement: Added a
command to display the currently selected student and timetable. -
Code contributed: Please see the RepoSense Report here!
Other contributions:
Project management::
Managed release v1.2 (1 release) on GitHub
Enhancements to Existing Features:
Wrote tests to increase code coverage from 24.5% to 36.1% (#199)
Contributions to the User Guide [IN DRAFT]
Viewing your selections: status
(Vincent wrote the subsection "Viewing your selections" below)
You can use the status
command to view your currently selected students and timetables. The figure below shows a possible result of the command.

Use the commands in Student Management to create and manage students. |
Use the commands in Timetable Management and Module Management to manage the timetables and modules that are displayed. |
Format: status
Student Management
(Vincent wrote the section "Student Management" below)
The following commands below are part of the application’s Student Management, which allow you manage the students which include you for the academic planning. You are highly encouraged to use this Student Management feature to explore different academic plans.
Adding a student: student add
You can use this command to add a student to the student list.
You may not add multiple students with the same name. |
Format: student add n/NAME major/MAJOR
student add n/Alice major/CS
Removing a student: student remove
You can use this command to remove the student with the number INDEX
from the student list.
This command cannot be undone. Removing a student will permanently delete its data from the save file. Be sure to remove your intended student by checking the list of students with the student list command.
When you use this command on the same student as the student you are currently selecting (see the student active command),
the timetable you have currently selected (see the timetable active command) will be deselected (if a timetable was selected).
To work on another student’s timetable, first use the student active command to select a student, then
use the timetable active command to select another timetable.You may see the list of students using the student list command, and
the list of timetables of a selected student has using the timetable list command.
Format: student remove INDEX
student remove 1
Selecting a student: student active
You can use this command to select the student with the number INDEX
from the student list.
When you use this command, any timetable you have selected (see the timetable active command) will be deselected.
To work on the newly selected student’s timetable, use the timetable active command to select a timetable.You may see the list of timetables the selected student has using the timetable list command.
Format: student active INDEX
student active 1
Viewing the student list: student list
You can use this command to display a numbered list of students in the student list (if populated).
Format: student list
student list
Timetable Management
(Vincent wrote the section "Timetable Management" below)
The following commands below are part of the application’s Timetable Management, which allow you manage the timetables of your academic plan.
All the following commands require a student to be selected (using the student active command).
To see a summary of the student and timetable you have selected, use the status command.
Adding a timetable: timetable add
You can use this command to add a timetable to the specified semester of the selected student (see the student active
This command requires the YEAR and SEM to conform to the parameter syntax in Common Parameters.The YEAR parameter must be a valid degree year (from 1 to 6, inclusive).The SEM parameter must be one of the following: ONE , TWO , SPECIAL_ONE , SPECIAL_TWO .
Format: timetable add year/YEAR sem/SEM
timetable add year/2 sem/ONE
Removing a timetable: timetable remove
You can use this command to remove a timetable to the specified semester of the selected student (see the student active
This command cannot be undone. Removing a timetable from the selected student will permanently delete its data from the save file. Be sure to remove your intended timetable by checking the list of timetables with the timetable list command.
This command requires the YEAR and SEM to conform to the parameter syntax in Common Parameters.The YEAR parameter must be a valid degree year (from 1 to 6, inclusive).The SEM parameter must be one of the following: ONE , TWO , SPECIAL_ONE , SPECIAL_TWO .
Format: timetable remove year/YEAR sem/SEM
timetable remove year/2 sem/ONE
Selecting a timetable: timetable active
You can use this command to select a timetable of the specified semester of the selected student (see the student active
This command requires the YEAR and SEM to conform to the parameter syntax in Common Parameters.The YEAR parameter must be a valid degree year (from 1 to 6, inclusive).The SEM parameter must be one of the following: ONE , TWO , SPECIAL_ONE , SPECIAL_TWO .
Format: timetable active year/YEAR sem/SEM
timetable active year/2 sem/ONE
Viewing the timetable list: timetable list
You can use this command to list all the timetables of the selected student (see the student active
Format: timetable list
timetable list
Grade Management
(Vincent wrote the section "Grade Management" below)
The following commands below are part of the application’s Grade Management, which allow you to manage and view your grades to see modules affected in your academic plan.
The same module can be added into multiple timetables of the same student. Therefore, each enrollment (one per semester) of the same module can have a separate grade. For example, it is possible for you to enroll in the module CS2040 during year/1 sem/ONE and then year/1 sem/TWO .You may refer to Timetable Management to see how you can use timetables. |
Managing a module’s grade: module grade
You can use this command to manage the grades of your modules. The following variants of the command can view and set the grade of the module you specify.
This command and its variants require a timetable to be selected (using the timetable active command).
Viewing a module’s grade
You can use this command to display the grade of the specified module.
This command only shows the grade of the specified module in your currently selected timetable. You can use the student grade command to view the grades of all modules together.
Format: module grade MODULE_CODE
module grade CS2040
Setting a module’s grade
You can use this command to set the grade of the specified module.
The modules which you set the grades of using this command will be counted towards your academic performance (see the student grade
This command only modifies the grade of the module in the selected timetable. Other enrollments with the same module code in different semesters will not be affected. |
Format: module grade MODULE_CODE grade/GRADE
module grade CS2040 grade/A
Exercising the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory option for a module
You can declare that you have chosen to exercise the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory for a module using the following variant of this command.
The modules which you set the grades of using this command are not counted towards your academic performance (see the student grade
command). However, grade you specify will still be recorded.
This command only modifies the grade of the module in the selected timetable. Other enrollments with the same module code in different semesters will not be affected. |
Format: module grade MODULE_CODE su/GRADE
module grade IS1103 su/F
Viewing a student’s grade: student grade
You can use this command to display the Cumulative Average Point of the selected student (see the student active
Other statistics such as the number of modules declared as Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory are also shown.
You may also see a list of modules taken and their grades.
This command requires a student to be selected (using the student active command).
Use the module grade command to set the grade of modules in the currently selected timetable of a student.
The same module can be added into multiple timetables of the same student. Refer to Timetable Management to see how you can use timetables. |
Use this command to be informed of your academic progress and to plan ahead for difficult modules. |
Format: student grade
student grade
Contributions to the Developer Guide [IN DRAFT]
Given below are sections I contributed to the Developer Guide. They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project. |
Grade Management
(Vincent wrote the section "Grade Management" below)
The Grade Management feature allows users to record and keep track of their grades in their academic plan, helping them to make better academic plans.
The Grade Management feature is made of two parts:
Module Grade Management:
module grade
Student Grade Display:
student grade
Module Grade Management
The Module Grade Management allows users to record their grades.
Grade Representation
Each enrollment in each timetable of a student stores a module grade. The module grade can be pending, have the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory option exercised, or be graded.
More specifically:
Each Student
stores Enrollment
objects in each value (of type TimeTable
) of its timeTableMap : TimeTableMap
Each Enrollment
is then 1-1 associated to exactly one credit : Optional<Grade>
When credit
is equal to Optional.<Grade>empty()
, the enrollment is considered to have a pending module grade.
When credit.isPresent()
is true, then the Grade
stored within can be interpreted as follows:
objects are immutable, and its fields therefore can have public
access modifiers and are final
. Suppose there is a grade : Grade
The grade.letterGrade : LetterGrade
represents the letter grade received for an enrollment, which can be one of:
, A
, A-
, B+
, B
, B-
, C+
, C-
, D+
, D
, F
, CS
, CU
, W
or EXE
The grade.isSu : boolean
represents whether the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory option was exercised for the grade.
For example, a student could choose to exercise the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory option for a grade of "B+".
This is distinct from the grade.letterGrade.isSu : boolean
, which determines if the letter grade itself is ungraded.
This occurs for module grades such as "CS" and "CU".
When at least one of grade.isSu
or grade.letterGrade.isSu
is true, the Grade
object does not count towards academic performance.
The semantics of the Optional<Grade>
object in an Enrollment
can be summarised in the activity diagram below.

Module Grade Commands
The user views and sets grades of enrollments with a single command "module grade"
. Parsing of the command is handled by ModuleGradeCommandParser
The ModuleGradeCommandParser
parses the command string (e.g. "CS2040 grade/A"
) into the preamble which contains the module code, and the arguments which contains the grade.
Then it returns a subclass of ModuleGradeCommand
(itself a subclass of ModuleCommand
) which is declared abstract.
Its concrete subclasses are ModuleGradeViewCommand
, ModuleGradeSetCommand
and ModuleGradeResetCommand
Refer to Sub-Commands to see how the ModuleGradeCommandParser
is invoked by ModuleCommandParser
To view a grade, the user uses the command format
"module grade MODULE_CODE"
. This will generate aModuleGradeViewCommand
object. -
To set a grade, there are two options. Both generate a
To set a grade counted towards academic performance, the user uses the command format
"module grade MODULE_CODE grade/GRADE"
. -
To exercise the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory option, the user uses the command format
"module grade MODULE_CODE su/GRADE"
To reset a grade, the user uses the command format
"module grade MODULE_CODE grade/"
. This will generate aModuleGradeResetCommand
If both module/GRADE
and su/GRADE
parameters are supplied, the ModuleGradeCommandParser
throws a ParseException
The ModuleGrade*Command#execute(Model)
methods of the command objects generated then use Model#getModuleGrade(ModuleCode)
and Model#setModuleGrade(ModuleCode)
to get and set the enrollment’s grade, respectively.
The following class diagram summarises the associations of classes involved in the "module grade"

module grade
classesStudent Grade Display
The user may also view the cumulative grades of the selected Student
using the "student grade"
The StudentCommandParser
directly creates a StudentGradeCommand
object (a subclass of StudentCommand
), and all preamble and arguments are ignored.
then loops through all StudentSemester
the selected student has using Model#getStudentSemesters()
which returns the StudentSemester
in chronological order (as defined in StudentSemester#compareTo()
This ordering is more convenient to the user compared to the arbitrary ordering of internal to TimeTableMap
Using Student#getTimeTable(StudentSemester) : TimeTable
and TimeTable#getEnrollments() : UniqueEnrollmentList
, each enrollment of each timetable is iterated in order.
Then Enrollment#getGrade() : Optional<Grade>
is used to get the grade (pending, or S/U option exercised, or graded).
Since Grade#toString()
is overloaded, StudentGradeCommand
only needs to handle the case where the Optional<Grade>
is empty.
The result text is accumulated to form a listing of modules taken and their grades.
During iteration, a CumulativeGrade
accumulator object is also used to tally up statistics related to the grades of the enrollments.
handles the number of credits taken for graded, S/U-exercised and all Grade
objects supplied.
invokes the CumulativeGrade#accumulate(Grade grade, int credits)
method, which handles all the logic necessary to correctly accumulate grade statistics.
Design Considerations
Aspect: Syntax of "module grade"
Alternative 1: (current choice) Use a single command with
prefixes which are mutually exclusive-
Pros: Only a single command is needed to handle both graded and S/U-exercised grades. Resetting an enrollment’s grade is also easy by allowing the user to specify an empty
argument. -
Cons: The syntax might be confusing to the user, and there is the edge case of both
being supplied, which must be handled.
Alternative 2: Use separate sub-commands for setting, resetting and exercising the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory option.
Pros: The syntax is simpler for the user because there is only one format for each command.
Cons: Further commands have to be implemented, which causes code duplication.
Aspect: Representation of enrollment grades
Alternative 1: (current choice) Use an
which stores aLetterGrade
andisSu : boolean
Pros: Clearly distinguishes between a pending grade, a grade with Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory option exercised, and a grade which is counted towards academic performance.
Serialisation also directly corresponds tonull
for a pending grade. -
Cons: Handling the case where the grade is pending is not convenient for iteration.
Alternative 2: Use
to store whether the the grade is pending-
Pros: More convenient to use for developers.
Cons: Serialisation is more complex, and more complex code is needed to handle pending grades in the implementation of
Planner Model
(Vincent wrote this section "Planner Model" below)
The Planner
class stores information about the App’s state.
Many operations of the Planner
must be inherently stateful because user operations include selecting students and timetables,
which are then also known as the 'active student' and 'active timetable', respectively.
These selection operations affect which students and timetables future operations use.
The App needs access to the list of students, the selected student, and the selected timetable of the selected student need to be stored.
As described in Student Model (in Model Component), the Student
stores information related to the timetables it has, which stores the enrollments for each timetable. The Planner
only needs to retain indices/keys to the active student and semester.
Therefore, Planner
stores information including:
UniqueStudentList : students
, which is the list of students in the planner.
Uniqueness (usingStudent#isSameStudent
) of the students is enforced. This prevents two students from having the same name. -
int : activeStudentIndex
, an index for the currently selectedStudent
This index refers to a valid student exactly when the index is within the bounds of thestudents
Therefore, no student is selected if the index is out of bounds of thestudents
list. -
StudentSemester : activeSemester
, which corresponds to the currently selectedTimeTable
for the currently selectedStudent
. This isnull
when there is no active timetable selected.
must have a validStudent
selected in order to have a non-nullactiveSemester
, which is an invariant enforced byPlanner#getActiveTimeTable()
All of these fields have the protected
access modifier to hide and encapsulate the data. To access this data, the following methods are used by the Model
Student getActiveStudent()
to get the activeStudent
Note that the activeStudent
is not stored directly, but with an indexactiveStudentIndex
as previously mentioned. -
Student getActiveSemester()
to get the activeStudentSemester
corresponding to the active timetable. -
TimeTable getActiveTimeTable()
to get the activeTimeTable
This throws aNoActiveStudentException
exception if aStudent
is not already selected.
Note that the activeTimeTable
is not stored directly, but withactiveSemester
as previously mentioned.
The following methods change which student or timetable is selected:
void activateStudent(Student student)
selects thestudent
in thePlanner
This throws aStudentNotFoundException
exception if thestudent
is not in thePlanner
Note that the student is considered the same as another student in the list ifStudent#isSameStudent()
. This allows activation of a student after its timetable is changed. -
void activateSemester(StudentSemester semester)
selects the timetable corresponding tosemester
as the active timetable.
This throws aNoActiveStudentException
exception if aStudent
is not already selected. -
void activateValidStudent()
andvoid activateValidSemester()
are similar, but may select any arbitrary valid student and timetable respectively.
The following methods replace values stored by the student list:
void setStudents(List<Student> students)
replaces the student list entirely. This does not reset the active student or active timetable, which may become invalidated.
Make sure to usePlanner#activateStudent(null)
if you wish to reset this too. -
void replaceActiveStudent(Student student)
replaces the currently selectedStudent
with the specifiedstudent
in the student list. -
void replaceActiveTimeTable(TimeTable timeTable)
replaces the currently selectedTimeTable
with the specifiedtimeTable
in the selected student’sTimeTableMap
Many further methods modify properties of the selected student and timetable. Some examples are:
void addExemptedModule(ModuleCode moduleCode)
which adds an exempted module with the givenmoduleCode
to the active student. -
void addSemesterTimeTable(StudentSemester studentSemester)
which adds a timetable to the selected student using the specifiedstudentSemester
. -
void removeEnrollment(ModuleCode moduleCode)
which removes an enrollment with the givenmoduleCode
from the selected timetable.
Avoid storing references to, and avoid directly calling methods with mutate Student or Planner objects retrieved from Planner or Model , as Student is mutable.Consider using the methods of Model directly to interact with the Model instead.
Design Considerations
Aspect: Mutability of data stored in Planner
Alternative 1: (current choice)
stores references to mutableStudent
objects which store mutableTimeTable
Mutation ofStudent
objects is allowed, but only through getter/setter methods.-
Pros: Mutability of
enables developers to directly modify aStudent
directly with its methods. This is very convenient and decouples the implementation ofStudent
from the implementation ofPlanner
This also makes implementation ofPlanner
significantly easier, especially due to the nesting of data structures. -
Cons: There are no guarantees of immutability, and operations which mutate a
can affect thePlanner
. ThePlanner
is unable to observe any changes made to theStudent
object stored.
Alternative 2:
stores a list of immutableStudent
objects, which also store immutableTimeTable
Pros: Immutability of the
objects is enforced. Accidental mutation of a storedStudent
using a reference is not possible without using methods of thePlanner
. -
Cons: Making modifications to a stored
would require the instantiation of a new modified copy.
All involved classes (Planner
, etc.) would have to implement methods to mutate the required fields.
Student Features
(Vincent wrote the section "Student Features" below)
The Student Feature allows users to manage multiple academic plans, add and remove enrollments, and check their degree progression and grades.
As described in Student Model (in Model Component), the Student
stores information related to the timetables it has, which in turn stores the enrollments for each timetable. This section will focus on the management of Student
using commands provided to the user.
As users may want to do multiple operations on the same student, the user can select one student as the 'active student'.
Many commands then operate on the 'active student'. Certain commands (such as "student active"
and "student remove"
) can cause the 'active student' to be deselected. How this is stored is described in more detail in Planner Model.
The following sequence diagram shows how the StudentAddCommand
works by showing interactions
within the Model
component when
Logic#execute("student add n/Alice major/CS")
is called.

The lifeline for StudentAddCommand should end at the destroy marker (X). However, due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.
For brevity, the Student that the StudentAddCommand was constructed with is denoted as "s" .The actual parsing (i.e. PlannerParser calling StudentCommandParser which calls StudentAddCommandParser ) is omitted for clarity.For brevity, the parameter of PlannerParser#parseCommand() (which is just "student add n/Alice major/CS" ) is also omitted.
"Active student" and "selected student" are used interchangably to refer to the student the user has selected with the "student active" command.
Student Management
The user may add, remove, select and list students with the "student add"
, "student remove"
, "student active"
and "student list"
command strings, respectively.
These correspond to the StudentAddCommand
, StudentRemoveCommand
, StudentActiveCommand
and StudentListCommand
These sub-commands are parsed by the Student*CommandParser
sub-command parsers, with the exception of StudentListCommand
which is directly returned by StudentCommandParser
Refer to Sub-Commands to see how Student*CommandParser
are invoked by StudentCommandParser
The sub-commands "remove"
and "active"
for the "student"
command both require a unsigned positive integer "INDEX"
in the command string.
No arguments are allowed because they will be interpreted as being part of the "INDEX"
Similarly, the "add"
sub-command allows exactly "n/NAME major/MAJOR"
in its parameters.
This can be explained by ArgumentTokenizer.tokenize()
only splitting arguments using the prefixes provided to it.
Therefore, the commands correctly reject prefixes not specified in the command usage text, although the error message can be confusing
since the user might expect that all prefixes are split before validation.
Then, Student*Command
objects are created and returned by the Student*CommandParser#parse()
* For the "student add"
command, StudentAddCommand
is constructed with a new Student
object created from the "NAME"
and "MAJOR"
arguments provided.
* For the "student remove"
and "student active"
commands, the Student*Command
is constructed with an Index
object representing the "INDEX"
argument provided.
Adding a Student
When the user enters the "student add"
command, StudentAddCommand#execute(Model model)
is executed. The following steps occur:
Checks if the
student : Student
is present in theModel
If so, then a
is thrown.
Otherwise, Add the
to theModel
. -
Generate success message and return a
Listing Students
When the user enters the "student list"
command, StudentListCommand#execute(Model model)
is executed.
The list of students is obtained with Model#getStudentList()
. The list of students is then formatted into a newline-separated, numbered list string,
which is used in the success message.
This operation cannot fail in any valid Planner state.
Removing and Selecting a Student
When the user enters the "student remove"
or the "student active"
command, Student*Command#execute(Model model)
(corresponding to the sub-command) is executed.
The following steps occur:
supplied to theStudent*Command
constructor is checked if it is in the bounds of the student list by comapring withModel#getStudentList().size()
If not, a
corresponding to theIndex
is retrieved usingModel#getStudentList().get(int)
For a
is called to remove the student.
By removing the reference to theStudent
in the list of students inPlanner
, all data related to the student is hence removed. -
For a
is called to select the student.
Design Considerations
Alternative 1: (current choice)
is mutable.-
Pros: Very convenient for developers to change
objects imperatively. -
Cons: If references of the
object are retained and then mutated unintentionally, theStudent
object in thePlanner
will also be mutated.
Hence, developers need to be careful about calling methods which mutate theStudent
object. This increases coupling betweenStudent
Alternative 2:
is immutable.-
Pros: Immutability is guaranteed. Accidental mutation of the
cannot occur with any stray references. -
Cons: Mutating nested data structures in the
object (e.g. a singleGrade
of anEnrollment
stored in aTimeTable
of theStudent
) can be very messy. To mutate such data,Student
or the caller needs to know about the implementation details of all involved nested classes (e.g.TimeTableMap
, etc.), which increase coupling significantly.
An alternative is thatModel
implements all the required mutation methods, handling said dependencies. This increases implementation complexity massively.
Alternative 3:
is mutable, but only deep copies ofStudent
are returned byModel
Immutability of the
objects in thePlanner
is preserved. Accidental mutation of a returned copy does not result in mutation of the original stored inPlanner
Developers can use the mutation methods ofStudent
directly without worrying of mutatingPlanner
accidentally. -
The implementation is also less complex than full immutability.
The implementation of a deep copy must be handled carefully to prevent the same reference from being used anywhere in a copied class (and thus only providing a shallow copy).
The usage of copies to mutate a
in thePlanner
is also not as convenient, because the old copy must be swapped with a new one.
This can become problematic in future operations where the user is allowed to change identity fields (those affectingStudent#isSameStudent()
), such as changing the name of the student. Since the new student will have a different name from the original, a different method of identifying students modified will need to be used.
Timetable Features
(Vincent wrote the section "Timetable Features" below)
The Timetable Feature allows users to manage timetables across semesters.
"Active timetable" and "selected timetable" are used interchangably to refer to the timetable the user has selected with the "timetable active" command.
Timetable Implementation
Each Student
stores a TimeTableMap
representing the timetables of the student. The TimeTableMap
stores a key-value pair mapping a StudentSemester
to a TimeTable
For each TimeTableMap
, the StudentSemester
keys must be unique. Therefore, there should not be duplicate semester keys.
This corresponds to each semester in the TimeTableMap
only having one timetable.
Note that this does not preclude multiple equal (TimeTable#equals()
) but not identical (==
) TimeTable
from being associated to different StudentSemester
objects. This happens whenever an empty timetable is added to two different semesters with the "timetable add"
A StudentSemester stores a SemesterYear instead of a Semester directly.While storing the academic year ( acadYear ) is supported by SemesterYear , it is currently unused in the App’s code.
Only SemesterYear.sem is used for storing the Semester represented.
Timetable Management
Using the "timetable add"
, "timetable remove"
, "timetable list"
and "timetable active"
commands, users can manage the timetables of Student
objects in the Planner
Listing Timetables
The StudentSemester
objects corresponding to the student’s timetables can be listed using the "timetable list"
command string.
The TimeTableCommandParser
directly creates a TimeTableListCommand
object (a subclass of TimeTableCommand
), and all preamble and arguments are ignored.
first checks if there is an active student with Model#hasActiveStudent()
. If not, it throws a CommandException
Then it gets all StudentSemester
keys the selected student has in its TimeTableMap
using Model#getStudentSemesters()
which returns the StudentSemester
in chronological order (as defined in StudentSemester#compareTo()
This ordering is more convenient to the user compared to the arbitrary ordering of internal to TimeTableMap
This list is then passed to StringUtil.wrapCollection(Collection)
, which formats the list of StudentSemester
into a comma-separated string.
The string is also wrapped for better readability by the user.
Specifying Timetables in Add, Remove and Active Commands
The sub-commands "add"
, "remove"
and "active"
for the "timetable"
command all require the arguments "year/YEAR sem/SEM"
which are the DegreeYear
and Semester
corresponding to the StudentSemester
Both arguments are mandatory.
If both arguments are missing, a
will be thrown with theMESSAGE_USAGE
string of the correspondingTimeTable*Command
This provides instruction about the specific sub-command for the user. -
If any argument is missing, the
will throw aParseException
Validation of"YEAR"
also occur. If"YEAR"
is not a valid degree year (unsigned integer from 1 to 6 inclusive), or if"SEM"
is not one of"ONE", "TWO", "SPECIAL_ONE", "SPECIAL_TWO"
, then the sub-command parser will also throw aParseException
Once the command string is parsed, the DegreeYear
and Semester
will be used to create a StudentSemester
, which is passed to the constructor of TimeTable*Command
Adding, Removing and Selecting a Timetable
The TimeTable*Command
classes then receive a StudentSemester
in its constructor parameter.
methods first check thatModel#hasActiveStudent() : boolean
. This is needed because all these commands require an active student.
Similar toTimeTableListCommand
(documented above in Listing Timetables), if there is no active student, aCommandException
will be thrown. -
Further checks may occur for different timetable sub-commands:
checks if there is no matching semester (withModel#hasSemester()
), then adds the timetable withModel#addSemesterTimeTable()
checks if there is a matching semester (withModel#hasSemester()
), then removes the timetable withModel#removeSemesterTimeTable()
By removing the reference to theTimeTable
in theTimeTableMap
of the selectedStudent
, all data related to the timetable is hence removed. -
checks if there is a matching semester (withModel#hasSemester()
), then sets the timetable as active withModel#activateSemester()
Design Considerations
Aspect: Storage of different timetables across semesters
Alternative 1: (current choice)
is aMap<StudentSemester, TimeTable>
Pros: Enforces uniqueness of a
value in theTimeTableMap
, as explained earlier. -
Serialisation of the
is more complex, requiring conversion toJsonAdaptedTimeTableMap
, which is a list ofJsonAdaptedTimeTablePair
. Deserialisation ofMap<K,V>
cannot happen automatically for custom classesK
due to some limitations of Jackson. -
Ordering of timetables in
is arbitrary, which may be inconvenient for users.
Alternative 2:
is aList
ofPair<StudentSemester, TimeTable>
Serialisation of
is straightforward. -
Ordering of
can easily be enforced by sorting theTimeTableMap
after every operation.
Cons: Uniqueness constraint will have to be enforced by ensuring that insertions and deletions with a given
key do not cause duplicateStudentSemester
Backend & Debugging
(Vincent wrote the section "Sub-Commands" below)
Central to the command syntax of the App is the organisation of commands into sub-commands.
Commands such as "student"
show the relevant instructions for how to use its sub-commands, such as "student add"
This organisation of commands into a hierarchy improves usability by the user, and the organisation of the command implementations into packages.
Many commands of the App are organized into 'parent commands', such as "student"
Its sub-commands are known as 'child commands' (e.g. "student add"
'Parent commands' must have a corresponding Parser
and a Command
For example,
the corresponding Parser
subclasses for the "student"
command and its sub-commands are in the
while the Command
subclasses are in the
Note that for a sub-command (e.g. "student add"
), the 'parent command' parser only parses the command word for the 'parent command' (e.g. "student"
), while the 'child command' only parses the command word for its sub-command (e.g. "add"
The following sequence diagram shows the interaction between the *Command
and *CommandParser
classes of 'parent commands' and 'child commands' when a command string is parsed.
The 'parent command' is denoted as "X"
, while the 'child command' is denoted as "Y"
. The corresponding Command
and Parser
classes have been named accordingly.

The lifeline for XCommandParser and XYCommandParser should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.
Parent and child command classes
The 'parent command' class (e.g. StudentCommand
) should be declared abstract
, and directly extend the Command
All sub-command classes should then extend the 'parent command' class (e.g. StudentAddCommand
extends StudentCommand
Similar to non-hierarchical commands, 'parent command' classes may contain the fields COMMAND_WORD
for use in the corresponding 'parent command' parsers. This decouples the message details of the command from the parsing of the commands.
Parent command parser class
'Parent command' parsers are required to dispatch parsing to a sub-command. This is somewhat similar to the main PlannerParser
However, the splitting of the sub-command string into the sub-command name and its arguments
is handled by SubCommandSplitter.java
This utility class handles some edge cases related to whitespace, and is preferred when implementing a 'parent command'.
The Parser
for the 'parent command' (e.g. StudentCommandParser
) should implement the Parser<T>
where T
is the class of the 'parent command' (e.g. StudentCommand
This is different from child Command classes, which should extend their parent Command class
To split the sub-command string into the sub-command and arguments, use:
SubCommandSplitter(String userInput, String failureMessage)
to construct theSubCommandSplitter
object -
to get the command string -
to get the arguments.
Note that it is possible to create a more deeply nested hierarchy of commands subclassing theCommand
subclass appropriately.
Parsing of a hierarchical command string (e.g."student add n/Alice major/CS"
) happens in the following manner:
from the command string. A leading space followed by"add n/Alice major/CS"
is passed toStudentCommandParser
. -
invokes methods inSubCommandSplitter
which parses the remaining command string into the"add"
command word and"n/Alice major/CS"
as the arguments. -
matches the"add"
string and creates a newStudentAddCommandParser
with the input string"n/Alice major/CS"
. -
can now parse the given preamble and arguments usingArgumentTokenizer
Child command parser class
'Child command' parsers should implement Parser<T>
, where T
is the 'child command' class.
'Child command' parsers are responsible for parsing the preamble and arguments of the input.
It is not always necessary to create a parser for a 'child command'.
If the 'child command' may ignore any given preamble or arguments provided by the user,
the 'parent command' parser may simply return an instance of the 'child command' directly.
For example, StudentCommandParser
directly returns a StudentListCommand
given the "list"
command word.